Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Care Home in Bangalore Nisarga Care is The Right Choice for Your Needs in Parkinson’s

, Dementia < Alzheimer’s, Motor Neuron Disorder , stroke < paralysis Treatment Care , Or Any Neuro Rehabilitation

Parkinson’s disease Good care home, a neurological disease caused by the destruction of nerve cells in one part of the brain. It usually affects movement but can also affect cognition at later stages. People with PD need help as the illness progresses and the role of caregivers is important.
Responsibility of caregivers at different stages of Parkinson’s disease
Symptoms at an early stage
• Tremors, stiffness, ugliness
• Curved posture
• Speech abnormalities
• Strange facial expressions
• Slight functional impairment

How to cope
The onset of Parkinson’s disease means emotional fluctuations to the patient and their surroundings. Learning about the disease, what to expect from Good, and what treatment options are available, is helpful.

Symptoms in the middle stage of PD
• Stomach problems
• Sleep problems
Balance loss / slow movements

How to cope
As the disease progresses, the role of caregivers increases as patient freedom diminishes. At this time, they are still working to an extent, but the movements are slow, and regular activities such as good dressing and eating can be confusing and time consuming.

One of the most important features that caregivers need is patience. The patient is losing control and allowing them to do as much as they can, whether it is cleaning or waiting means so much to them.

Communication with the patient is a problem and they become frustrated when they do not understand. Good speech therapy and vocal exercises can help to some extent.

Good symptoms of late stages of PD
• Inability
• Hallucinations / delusions
• Freezing
Severe disability

How to cope
Patients need clock care at the end. ಅನೇ Many may be in bed or unable to move without help. The responsibility for feeding, bathing and taking care of them rests with caregivers.

Caregivers must anticipate the situation and arrange for it by family or friends or by arranging for a nurse or helper. It is important that good caregivers take time for themselves.

Small changes to make life easier for PD patients
• Get an electric toothbrush
• Add handbags to bedroom and bathroom walls
• Move furniture to create space for them to move
Remove the carpets
• Cups and mugs with large handles
Get them shoes with Velcro straps

Duties of caregivers
Assist the patient with daily activities
• Be patient and caring
• Give mental comfort
Make sure the patient has the medication on time
Keep all doctor appointments and follow doctor’s orders
Work with physiotherapists to help the patient

Help caregivers
PD is a difficult disease to care for. Caregivers need help and support, Good in return, to give it to the patient. It can sometimes cause frustration and stress, and people need help.

If you are a caregiver, it is important to build a support system for yourself at an early stage to ensure that you can handle the challenges mentally and physically in the later stages.

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